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Office of Administration and Planning Provides Buck-Eye View of BMEC


Two premier university departments under one roof. Thanks to Facilities Operations and Development, BMEC is scheduled to open in August 2020 and will be home to biomedical engineering and materials science and engineering. This new state-of-the-art facility, offering students the opportunity to solve problems across disciplines, encompasses the current engineering buildings located on West 19th Avenue. Get a sneak peek of the new facility.


New materials developed in this building help to develop new manufacturing processes. Those manufacturing processes are crucial to mobility that is automotive and aerospace in the state of Ohio. It is also crucial in the development of new medical technologies and new tissue replacement therapies. - David B. Willians, Dean of the College of Engineering

The co-location of the two departments is unique. It brings together areas that we both have great interest in as departments. It also will allow for modernization of our teaching and research spaces to the benefit of our undergraduate and graduate students. - Michael Mills, Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering

We need to work with our colleagues in multi-disciplinary groups to solve some of the world's biggest problems. - Samir Ghadiali, Chair of Biomedical Engineering


Story created and originally posted by The Ohio State University's Office of Administration and Planning
December 3, 2019