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Consulting and supplemental employment

Procedure for GRA/Fellowship-funded MSE – WE graduate students to petition supplemental employment

Taking on supplemental employment—such as consulting work or a supplemental teaching assistant (GTA) position—can be a great way to broaden your graduate experience. However, there are some basic rules that must be met before a student who is funded by a GRA or Fellowship may be approved to hold additional employment such as a supplemental TA, consulting work, etc.

General guidelines

  1. International students, due to visa restrictions, are not permitted to hold supplemental employment positions.
  2. A student must have his/her advisor’s approval to hold the position (more at the form link below).
  3. The student must petition her/his Graduate Studies Chair, by using the form below, to request to hold a supplemental employment position.
  4. Please see the form link below for specific supporting items required by the GSC Chair.

Note: Distance Learning students, GEACE students, and fully self-funded students—This policy and procedure does not apply to you, as you are not funded by a GRA or Fellowship through the university.

Why the procedure?

Employment beyond that described in your Graduate Associate or Fellow Appointment form may cause you to be in violation of your appointment with the university. Please follow this petition process to assure that any supplemental employment does not jeopardize your funding. Additionally, use of the request form helps the department standardize the process and capture, over time, our students’ supplemental employment for reporting.


Form to complete:

Please use this form to request permission to hold supplemental employment


After submitting the form

Upon submission, the request will be forwarded to the student’s GSC Chair with a cc to the student, his/her advisor, Mei Wang, and Mark Cooper. The GSC Chair will review and, if approved, the request will be forwarded by Mark to the Graduate School for final approval. With final approval, the appropriate fiscal officer will provide employment forms for the student to complete. Once returned, these employment forms are sent to the college for final payroll processing.


Given the steps involved, you must submit your request as early as possible to allow for processing time.


Mark Cooper

Graduate Studies Coordinator

O: 614-292-7280